Verse is a handwoven baby carrier woven wrap that is inspired by our love of sharing babywearing with new parents. Verse is a Grey to Natural grad design with pinstripes of a variety of colours that become more predominate as the Grey transitions to natural. Verse started as a teaching wrap design and by popular demand we have offered it in all of our sizes.
Verse woven baby carriers are available in 100% cotton.
West 4th woven baby carriers are available as woven baby wraps and woven ring slings are available as ring slings (2m from tail to rings) in our short wraps in sizes small (3m), medium small (3.8m, size 4), and in our base size wraps medium (4.2m, size 5), large (4.6m, size 6), and XLarge (5.2m, size 7).
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Size Chart
Ring Sling - 2 meters
Small - 3 meters
Medium Small - 3.8 meters, size 4
Medium - 4.2 meters, size 5
Large - 4.6 meters, size 6
XLarge - 5.2 meters, size 7
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