Wrap Registration
Have you just purchased a West 4th Wrap? Did you buy it new from one of our retailers? Did you purchase your wrap second or third hand? Please take the time to register your wrap with West of the 4th Weaving. Registration is important so that we can notify you with important information regarding your wrap. This information wil be maintined in a secure database and will only be used for recall purposes. You will have the option for your email to be added to our e-mail list at the end of the registration form. If you do not add your name to our mailing list the information you provide will only be used in the event we must contact your regarding the wrap you own.
You will need the following information:
Full name
Current address
Email address
Phone number.
Vendor who sold you your wrap
Wrap information - Serial Number
- Size
- Colour way
We thank you in advance for providing this information. This information will help us help you with your wrap.